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Dodgeball: Uprising - Looking For Unity Game Devs (Open Source)


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  • Superuser

Hi all!


While I've been working a lot on The Modding Community itself, I also have been learning more about Unity plus other game engines because I want to make a game called Dodgeball: Uprising. The GitHub repository for this may be found here. This game specifically will be using Unity because the game engine fully supports WebGL which is something essential to this project due to HTML 5/WebGL support with TMC's server browser.


The game will be based off of a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Decoy Dodgeball game mode that my old gaming community used to host modded game servers in back in 2014/2015. I also made a SourceMod plugin for the game mode here. Here is a gameplay video from my old server.



@ Kim  also made some really fun dynamic maps for the game. This added so much flavor to the game mode and server. For example, I remember one map where you were supposed to keep running up stairs, ladders, and platforms because lava was rising from the bottom floor and yet, you had to worry about the enemy team pegging you with a decoy dodgeball, lol. It reminded me a lot of Super Smash Bros in regards to map dynamics and such.


Game Features

  • HTML 5/WebGL support integrated into the TMC server browser.
  • True cross platform support for web browsers, applications (desktop, laptop, and mobile), and consoles by utilizing both TCP and UDP network protocols together.
  • Full modding and workshop support when NextGen Modding tools are completed.
  • Full dedicated and LAN game server support.
  • Potential VR support!
  • Open source and free 🙂


If you have any interest, please let me know!

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